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What a Buzz!

Simon Milner

It was a particularly memorable Australia Day for us this year, taking delivery of our first batch of @purebuzzhoney from the hives in our kitchen garden just five months these busy bees produced enough honey for a harvest totalling 30kg! As 'rental payment' for use of the tiniest of spaces in the garden we've received 3 litres of honey (which will feature prominently in the breakfast dishes our guests enjoy each morning) and we had first dibs to purchase the remainder - so we arranged with Nat from PureBuzz honey to co-brand 40 bottles of 400ml size us to sell and gift.

Apart from the wonderful produce (and rental return - yay for free honey!), we've had the added bonuses of enjoying the sight and sound of our gardens full of bees, the heady smell of warm honey that wafts from the hives when the breeze blows just so, and the benefit of pollination. Win, win win!

We hope to list the honey for sale on our website shortly, as soon as we've confirmed shipping costs (and restrictions on sending interstate and overseas).



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